eolimai noni


Noni Info

Pineapple Info

Integrated Acquaculture

Contact Us

Aloha! Our farm is located near cape Kumukahi on the easternmost point of the big island in the area known as Kapoho. We came here to farm fish and to raise children in a rural environment. We get very little rainfall in comparison to other windward regions and there is little to no soil under our feet because of recent lava flows. It wasn't long after we began raising Chinese Catfish (Clarius Fucus) that we realized the gold to be had in the process was in the green watyer the fish were producing. We then set out to integrate fish farming with growing white pineapple. As this process was taking place the market for Hawaiian Noni began to increase and because we hadn't flattened our property with a bulldozer when we bought it we had a lot of noni naturally occuring and could harvest the fruit, no problem. For years locals had come to pick noni for their personal use and we had some knowledge of it's medicinal attributes, now we have had our own experiences with it's miraculous properties and are eager to share it with others. We are continuing to expand our farm with appropiate food crops and remain successful cultivating fish. We recieved our organic certification for the farm this spring and have invested with Hawaiian Herbal Supply in order to assure quality manufacturing of our farm products. Soon to be available: Noni Juice (fermented or fresh), Lemon noni tonic, Noni Capsules, and Dried White Pineapple.

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